Routesetting Philosophy
At Iron City Boulders, out goal is to constantly provide our climbers with new, engaging climbs. Each week we will update our route calendar to let you know when a section of climbing wall is being reset.
There’s a route for everyone at ICB
We strive to offer diverse climbs in all grades – equitable to the intended user – so that climbers of all types have a chance to experience climbing and develop their skill set.
Through our routes, we hope to provide the tools necessary to allow a climber to learn, and find success on, climbers that accessible, challenging and fun.
Routesetting Grades
There are many factors that affect how “hard” a climb feels; Things such as height, personal strengths, experience, knowledge of the route (beta), and more will make it so that not all climbs feel the same difficulty to everyone.
Grades are a matter of opinion and should be taken as a suggestion of difficulty, not an absolute rating.
V-Grade Scale
Climbs are marked in the gym based on their V-grade – or suggested level of difficulty. Climbs are rated from VB – the easiest routes intended for beginners – to V8 and up – advanced routes for experienced climbers.
Iron City Boulders Gym Sectors
Iron City Boulders’ 11,000+ square feet of climbing walls offers a variety of surfaces to accommodate all types of routesetting and mirror a number of natural-feeling, outdoor climbing scenarios.
Find Your Spot at Iron City Boulders
View our gym map and preview each climbing sector below.
Learn Healthy Climbing Technique
Develop feet and hand placement, focus on breath and movement, learn warm-up and climbing prep.
Build Strength & Endurance
Routine climbing sessions, climbing-specific workouts, team practices and cross-training.
Practice Safety & Awareness
Develop safe climbing technique and training habits that help reduce risks or injury.
Develop Confidence
Develop your bouldering approach, push your abilities, compete through individual and team events.