Summer Teams Bouldering League Starts Soon
Climbing Competition Begins August 6th
The Summer Bouldering League: Teams Edition at Iron City Boulders is an opportunity for members and non-members ages 16+ to form teams of three that will climb, train, and compete with one another in an 4-week season beginning in August.
Teams of three will be able to register for the recreation or competitive league. Those participating in the league will receive a new set of boulders each week and a championship event at the end of the season!
There are no requirements as far as climbing ability or gender go in the make-up of each team, and teams self-select on their scorecard whether they compete in the Recreational or Competitive categories.
Sign Up NowLeague Details
August 6th – August 30th
League Nights
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm
Cost per participant
$15 for members ($45 per team), $25 for non-members
Team Requirements
3 participants per team
Finals Schedule
August 30th during Funday Friday at 6PM. ALL SBL teams are invited to participate in Finals.
League Rules
• All teams must consist of three members.
• A new set of boulders will be available every Tuesday/Thursday evening and clearly labeled in the gym.
• Absolute Scoring System: Each team’s score will be a sum total of the individuals top 3 scores (9 top scores per team per week). 100 points are allocated to each V grade, for example: V1 – 100 Points, V2 – 200 Points, V7 – 700 Points and V0’s will be worth 50 points
• Teams do not need to climb together (thought it is encouraged). Teams or individuals can climb the boulders and be scored any time throughout the week.
• Individuals must record each flash, attempt, and send on scorecards distributed at the beginning of the week. Each attempt will deduct 1 point up to 25 points.
• Unless otherwise specified, teams have until Sunday at close to attempt that week’s boulders. After this time, those boulders can no longer be scored.
Summer Boulder League FAQ
How do I sign-up?
Use the link above to reach our application page. Sign-ups are done online through the Iron City Boulders website under the “Community” tab. Our website is used to collect payment/official registration.
What about League T-Shirts?
All SBL participants have access to purchase our SBL T-shirts for a discounted price of $20. Shirt sizes not guaranteed.
What is the difference in pricing if I’m a member/non-member?
ICB members will be charged $15, while non-members will be charged $25. Non-members will still need to purchase a day pass in order to climb. Non-member participants who register are eligible for half-off their initiation fee for membership.
Will there be any prizes awarded throughout the league?
Top individuals from each division will be recognized weekly. An end of the league Championship Competition will occur where indivduals can compete (for free) for prizes.
How will the scoring work?
For this league we will be using the Absolute Scoring System. Points will be based off climbers top 3 sends throughout the week will be recorded through physical score cards and tallied throughout the season. ALL participants are eligible for finals. Attempts will be recorded to deduct points (noted down below)
What are score intervals?
Score intervals are from league night on Tuesday to Sunday at close.
How do scorecards work?
One score-card will be handed per participant per week. Scorecards must be turned in by the end of the score interval (Sunday at close) to be registered for points. Climbers will record their attempts and send on scorecards as well as a “witness” to confirm their send. The top 3 sends on scorecards will be tallied by ICB staff and tracked throughout the season.
Do the number of attempts matter?
Each attempt will be a one point reduction from the boulder score, up to a maximum of 25 points. After the 25th attempt, points will no longer be deducted from that boulder’s score.