Back-to-School Climbing Membership Sale

Climb Your Way Back To School

Save $50 During Student Membership Sale

New Student Membership Initiation Fees Waived Until Sept. 11th

School is back in session and there’s no better time to plan your fitness goals for the fall semester ahead.

Sign up for a new student membership today and we’re waiving initiation fees to help ease that back-to-the-grind stress.

Whether you’re looking to tone up, exercise your mind, or hang with your friends, make Iron City Boulders the sanctuary for your studies.

Sign Up Now

Why Climb with Iron City Boulders?

Our memberships provide a diverse fitness offering with opportunities to explore any of your healthy & active passions. 

With your climbing gym membership you’ll also get:

Unlimited yoga sessions across our array of yoga types

Discounted rates on classes, clinics and other programs

15% merchandise discount at the in-gym shop

1 FREE guest pass per month to share with friends & family

First-time visitor passes for your new-to-ICB guests

Free community groups & events hosted at the climbing gym