ICB Merrily Supports
The 2024 Lawrenceville Cookie Tour
Dec. 14th & Dec. 15th | 12PM to 5PM
Just like climbing, building a strong community takes teamwork and support, and we’re honored to contribute to a cherished Pittsburgh cookie table tradition.
For over 26 years, the annual Cookie Tour has been a cornerstone of the season, and we are excited to again be a stop on this year’s cookie tour.
ICB is proud to be part of this unique and vibrant Lawrenceville neighborhood.
Vote for ICB as Your Favorite Cookie Stop
The Cookie Tour Cup is also returning again this year and a very prestigious trophy will go to the people’s choice for best cookie of the tour!
That’s right! You get to decide which business has the best cookie?! We all know it’s ICB 😋.
Vote for ICB 🍪New Visitor & Touring the Gym?
We ask that anyone planning to use the climbing gym or explore our fitness areas on the day of the 2024 Lawrenceville Cookie Tour please complete a waiver upon entry to Iron City Boulders.
Sign Waiver Now