Iron City Boulders Climbing Team
Iron City Boulders 2023 Climbing TEAM

Iron City Boulders Climbing TEAMs

The Iron City Boulders Climbing Team is an opportunity for youth between the ages 9-19 to develop as climbers, competitors, and humans in a supportive environment while training mentally, physically, and technically in pursuit of their climbing goals.

Meet Your ICB Team Coaches

Our mission is for youth to cultivate a love for the sport, community, and lifestyle of climbing through participation in youth competitive rock climbing.

Coach Anthony DiRenzo - Iron City Boulders
Coach Anthony
Coach Anthony
Brendan "B" Watts - Iron City Boulders Climbing Team
Coach B
Coach B
Julian "Fig" Figaretti - Iron City Boulders Climbing Team
Coach Fig
Coach Fig
Coach Marika De - Iron City Boulders Climbing Team
Coach Marika
Coach Marika

Team Registration

Interested in joining the ICB rock climbing team?

Please contact our gym director, Lewis Yeaple, for details about TEAM climbing availability and to get you started with your registration.  Lewis will help you get started finding the best fit for you:
Begin Registration

TEAM Rock Climbing Seasons

There are two seasons throughout the year based on the USA Climbing competition schedule. Even for those not interested in competing, we will align our schedule and training with the seasons as follows.

Spring: Indoor Rope Season

In-season now

Please contact the gym for open availability and to register for Spring season today.

Fall: Indoor Bouldering Season

Tryouts: Aug-Sep (Date TBD)

Please contact the gym for open availability for the Fall climbing seasons.

TEAM Group Details & Practice Schedules

The Youth Team is separated into two sections based on the climber’s experience-level and competitive desire. 

Tryouts are inclusive, experiential and collaborative allowing our youth, parents and coaches to decide which team is the best fit for each individual’s rock climbing goals.

*Practice schedule and attendance depends on team participation.


The Advanced Team is for youth committed to USAC competition preparation and training –but are not required to compete.

An Advanced Team athlete may be invited to try out for the Competition Team or request a tryout at any time

Practice Schedule*

You will meet 2x per week on Mondays & Saturdays

MON: 5:30PM-8:00PM
SAT: 9:30AM-12:00PM


The Competition Team attends all qualifying competitions through the season.  Members displays a high level of climbing ability and a strong commitment to personal training.

Participants are expected to attend all practices.

Practice Schedule*

You will meet 3x per week on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays

MON & Wed: 5:30PM-8:00PM
SAT: 9:30AM-12:00PM


Still have questions?

Please contact our gym director, Lewis Yeaple, for more details about TEAM climbing:

Email Now